I don’t know about you, but when mid-October rolls around, I start wondering where the rest of the year went and how I’m ever going to be ready for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!
But, once I get over that initial flash of disbelief, my “decoration gene” kicks in and I’m pulling out porch decor, buying pumpkins and candy, and deciding which comforter set to decorate the bed with :-). I think we all love the transformation that takes place both outside in our yards as the autumn colors paint their hues all over the trees and lawns, and inside our homes with the wonderful smells, sounds and sights of the holiday season.
Click Here for the rest of the story…
First, a few autumn home maintenance suggestions….
Before the leaves fall and the wind turns chilly, it’s a good idea to do some seasonal maintenance on your home. Here are some things to add to your fall “honey-do” list.
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Bonus feature: Johnny Depp’s home!!!
Click Here for the rest of the story…
Here is an excellent illustration of our Silicon Valley demographic population and their probable choices when it comes to real estate….
Click Here for the full size graphic
We have over 15 years of experience in real estate in Silicon Valley, coupled with Nick’s legal background and Barbara’s expertise in marketing. We depend on the goodwill of our clients, and we are never too busy for your referrals. Please tell your friends about our thoughtful, value-added, and personal attention approach to real estate representation.
We’ll be back next month or so, with another Real Estate Update. In the meantime, pull out your sweaters and get ready for Fall!
Barbara and Nick Lymberis
Cell: 408-893-6306
Perfect Harmony Properties
2012 President, Santa Clara County Assoc. of REALTORS
2015 REALTOR of the Year, Santa Clara County Assoc. of Realtors
Directors, California Association of REALTORS
CalBRE 01342934 and 01322651