FIRST…… we would like to gratefully thank those of you who have referred friends and family to us in the last year. We are actively looking for new clients. If you, your children, your relatives, your co-workers, or your friends have real estate needs, please consider referring them to us.
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Have you seen our one-minute videos? We’ll be continuing the series every so often, and hope you enjoy those quick up-to-the-minute pieces of information.
Finally, enough rain in the lower altitudes and snow in the Sierras to ensure we won’t be in a complete drought situation this year….and it will be time to put in the summer garden very soon. Many of our clients are moving to drought-resistant landscaping,
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The state legislature is jumping into the affordable housing arena with both feet. California’s Legislature must continue to play a heightened role in addressing the state’s housing affordability crisis.
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Inventory continues to be a challenge, and prices continue to skyrocket, creating more and more need for: home sharing, co-signers for mortgages, use of FHA loan products, a more sizable downpayment
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Is this a good time to sell? YES. YES. YES. With the Federal Reserve set to raise interest rates at least 3 times this year, and no ceiling in sight for sale prices yet, it’s a solid sellers’ market. However, the best time to sell is when you are completely ready for a lifestyle change….and that may include NOT staying in the immediate area. We can help you evaluate clearly whether or not you should be considering a sale.
Staying active is becoming more and more important to us, and to our clients as well.
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Still confused about the recent tax law changes, and how they affect your real estate holdings or desire to invest? We can answer your questions, and if we can’t, we’ll be sure to research the information for you and find the experts you need.
Please let us know if there is anything at all we can assist with. We want to be your resource for all things Real Estate, and if we don’t answer your call right away we’ll be back to you within the hour.
Nick and Barbara Lymberis
CA BRE License numbers: 01322651 and 01342934